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Physical Address:
Administration Building
Room 105
Moscow, ID

Phone: 208-885-6448
Fax: 208-885-6558

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr.
MS 3152
Moscow, ID


Strategic Plan 2016-2025

University of Idaho will be guided through 2025 by the strategic plan crafted during the 2015-16 school year and approved by the Idaho State Board of Education in June 2016. 本工作文件将随着我们需求的变化而发展, 我们的目标得以实现,我们的战略举措得以发展. It is an exciting outline of where we are going and a purposeful look at what it means to be University of Idaho.

365滚球官网将通过创新思维塑造未来, 社区参与和变革教育.

365滚球官网是该州的赠地研究型大学. 从这个独特的起源和身份, 我们将加强科学, economic, social, legal and cultural assets of our state and develop solutions for complex problems facing our society. 我们将继续提供专注卓越的教学, research, outreach and engagement in a collaborative environment at our residential main campus in Moscow, regional centers, 爱达荷州的推广办事处和研究机构. 符合赠地理想, 我们将确保我们的外展活动为国家服务,加强我们的教学, 全州的学术和创新能力.

Our educational offerings will transform the lives of our students through engaged learning and self-reflection. 我们的教学将包括本科生, graduate, 通过面对面的指导提供专业和继续教育, 技术支持的交付和实践经验. 我们的教育计划将追求卓越,并将丰富的知识, collaboration, 我们教师的多样性和创造性, students and staff.

University of Idaho will expand the institution’s intellectual and economic impact and make higher education relevant and accessible to qualified students of all backgrounds.

Exceptional research universities such as University of Idaho prepare their students not just with today's knowledge but also with the ability to discover new knowledge, solve novel problems, 引领和建设未来. 我们在本科阶段教育学生, 研究生和专业水平,以满足爱达荷州和世界的需求. 我们通过研究创造知识和影响来改善生活, 奖学金和创造性活动.

作为爱达荷州的赠地大学, U of I will maintain its current leadership in research and engagement with Idaho communities. Putting new knowledge into action requires persistent growth in creating and executing ideas that matter. We will continue to provide leading graduate and professional education including enhanced production of doctoral, 硕士及专业学位. U of I will become a Carnegie R1 (Highest Research Activity) institution known for excellence in our areas of strength and recognized for interdisciplinary research.

我大学将为任何符合条件的学生提供服务 by providing access to the unique educational experience that a research university affords. The university will enroll a mix of resident and nonresident (including international) students at the graduate and undergraduate levels. 我们的常驻学生将代表爱达荷州种族的一个横截面, 社会经济和人口统计学术语. 伊利诺伊大学的教育不仅仅是知识的传授, 同时也是让学生成为问题解决者和终身学习者的准备. This is why we augment discipline-specific learning with a strong foundation in the liberal arts.

The university will excel in student success as measured by the transformative educational experience and the achievement of student learning outcomes; and by readily quantifiable measures such as high retention and graduation rates, 学生的就业/职业成果, other measures of student engagement and learning to include the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) and internal measures. The university will engage and lead across the state in an effort to help Idaho achieve its goal of 60 percent postsecondary education attainment. To achieve this goal, I大学的本科生和研究生入学人数将比目前的水平增加50%. 这所大学将是一个目标导向的组织, 一个充满活力的知识界吸引着, 保留和发展优秀的教职员工. 我们会善用现有资源,达致上述目标, 创造额外的资源,改善我们的物理和专业环境.


个人追求卓越的承诺是我们倡导的价值观的核心. We value the purposeful pursuit of knowledge that improves our communities and prepares us for a lifetime of service. We believe in a culture of leadership and promotion of excellence that passionately educates those seeking knowledge and celebrates success when that knowledge is applied to address societal challenges.


我们的生产力和士气的核心是一个体贴和尊重的氛围. University of Idaho is an extensive and diverse community of people from varied backgrounds and beliefs. 我们欢迎社区中每个人的观点和贡献. We believe that an institution is only as strong as its ability to include diverse perspectives that critically contribute to U of I’s mission.


We believe that adherence to and a shared understanding of ethical principles is necessary for effective collaboration within an educational community. U of I is committed to internal congruence as well as openness and transparency in decision-making and leadership.


伊利诺伊大学是一个勇于追求更高理想的社区, 始终努力为学生提供最好的机会和环境, faculty, staff and community. We are confident in our ability to succeed and have demonstrated long-term discipline to achieve our goals.


我们承担个人和社会的责任,确保我们未来的可持续性. For this community, ensuring a sustainable healthy lifestyle is part of a comprehensive desire to acknowledge stewardship of the natural environment to human interactions and well-being.


The Idaho Impact: Annual Report & Strategic Plan Update provides a review of U of I highlights and success stories across our mission together with quantitative updates on Strategic Plan progress. 请查看以下文件.


研究型大学培养学生的不仅仅是当今的知识, 而是有发现新知识的能力, solve novel problems, 领导并由此构建未来. 365滚球官网是爱达荷州主要的公立研究型大学, serving a land-grant mission in support of Idaho's economy and society by educating students at the undergraduate, graduate and professional levels to meet the needs of Idaho and our region; by conducting research, 奖学金和创造性活动 of impact and purpose (basic and applied); and by engaging statewide to improve the lives of Idahoans.

我大学将为任何符合条件的学生提供服务, with a focus on giving all qualified Idaho students access to education at a research university. Our students will be a cross-section of Idaho in ethnic, 社会经济和人口统计学术语. Education at the University of Idaho is dedicated not simply to the transmission of knowledge but also to preparing students to become problem solvers and lifelong learners.

这所大学也将是一个目标驱动的组织, 一个充满活力的知识界吸引着, 保留和发展优秀的教职员工. 我们会有效利用现有资源,以达致上述目标, 创造额外的资源,改善我们的物理和专业环境.

President Chuck Staben,
Planning Efforts (Aug. 17, 2015)

Contact Us

Physical Address:
Administration Building
Room 105
Moscow, ID

Phone: 208-885-6448
Fax: 208-885-6558

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr.
MS 3152
Moscow, ID
